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Menu Plan for Sugar Detox To Delete Unhealthy Cravings


Cutting sugar out of your diet is not an easy thing, but everybody should know that sugar can have detrimental effects on health including increased risk fueling the growth of anaerobic cells, weight gain, and loss of energy or just energy crashes caused by indulging in sweet things like cakes or low-fat yogurt.

Studies have shown that excessive sugar in your diet compromises your immune system and can accelerate the depletion of the minerals and other vital nutrients. Sugar also raises the risks associated with diabetes.

Here are more reasons why to avoid refined sugar:

  • It raises the risk associated with cardiovascular problems
  • It doesn’t have any nutritional value
  • It consumes your energy during the “crash” phase
  • Could cause premature aging
  • It might irritate eczema
  • It can create added inflammation and agitate joints due to arthritis
  • It can weaken already failing vision
  • It can contribute to adrenal fatigue
  • Could contribute to gallstones
  • May increase serotonin levels

By following a healthy meal plan for seven consecutive days, you can begin to change your diet and replace that craving for a sugary beverage first thing each morning. A beautiful combination of baked eggs, cheese and spinach for breakfast will start you off on your first day of the sugar detox and you’ll soon notice the effects of a healthier diet on your general health and overall energy levels.

The detailed meal plan can be accessed for free by clicking the link below where you can read the full article on the meal plan:

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